For advice and information on all committees and campus complaints you can mail the campus disciplinary officer, Dr. Manjari Jonnalagadda (
The ARC has been set up to deal with any violation of academic policy/integrity/dishonesty. Based on the severity of the offense, the ARC will decide the penalties for the violation. The students’ interests are represented by two nominated members from the Student Body who will form part of the Academic Review Committee (ARC). The Academic Review Committee is headed by the Director of SSLA with two permanent faculty members along with a legal advisor of SSLA representing both, the interests of the students and the School.
For complaints to the ARC please email
The UGC anti ragging regulation of 2009 is fully recognized and supported at SSLA. In case of a complaint regarding ragging, anti-ragging committee is in place for approach. In case of an official complaint regarding ragging filed at institute level, this committee would conduct inquiry and take appropriate action.
What Constitutes Ragging:Mentoring Cell
The student mentoring programme at SSLA ensures a smooth adjustment and acclimatization process for the new students.This programme involves one senior student volunteer who is incharge of six new students. These volunteers help newcomers in familiarizing themselves to the new environment. It is overlooked by the senior faculty members at SSLA.
Anti Ragging Squad
The Anti-Ragging Squad is a committee devoted to maintaining the harmony between the students of the college. Not only are they involved in looking out for and preventing what traditionally constitutes ragging, they also take up the task of constantly coming up with better notions of what ragging involves, trying to involve the subtleties of the same. They run frequent campaigns to raise awareness about the necessity to report and thus put an end to all forms of ragging. They can be easily approached with any queries or complaints.
All grievances and complaints brought forward by students, staff, and faculty with regard to sexual harassment are overseen by the ICC. The constitution and working of the committee is in consonance with the UGC (Prevention, prohibition, and redressal of sexual harassment of women employees and students in higher educational institutions) which is updated from time to time.
Note: The committee shall take cognizance of sexual harassment complaints irrespective of gender, as notified by UGC.
Is devoted to rectifying issues which acquire attention from the administration. The committee consists of not only students, but also members of the faculty, as well as the Director, Dr Shweta Sinha Deshpande. The discussions in this committee are usually with regards to the management of academic issues, as well as non-academic issues such as matters involving the campus, peer conflicts, etc.
The food committee is a part of the hostel life. It is responsible for setting up the menu for the hostel mess. It also ensures that the quality of the food is up to the mark.
The SCRC will work to review, investigate and appropriately manage / deal with any violation of the Social Conduct Policies followed by SSLA and the SIU. This committee is headed by the director of SSLA along with two/three permanent faculty members representing both the interests of the students and and also of the institute. Representing both the interests of the students and of the institute.
For complaints to the SCRC please email
With the aim of integrating gender consciousness in all dimensions of campus life and to create a community of participatory consciousness, a gender committee was conceived at SSLA in October, 2019. Its main objective was to strive towards a more gender-sensitive campus, where abusive language is discouraged, an atmosphere of deterrence for offensive incidents is created, and all genders are appreciated.
The Gender Committee (GC) is a student-run initiative within the SSLA campus. With the Director, Dr. Shweta Sinha Deshpande spearheading it, and Dr. Richa Minocha, as the faculty catalysing it. The committee encourages students’ consciousness and responsiveness around gender, as well as supporting their efforts towards ensuring a more gender-conscious and responsive campus through the participation of administration, students, staff, and faculty.
The Library Advisory Committee is a reporting committee of the SSLA Faculty Council that provides advice to the Library concerning material and services needed by faculty and students in their teaching and research endeavors.
The duties and functions of the Committee shall be as under:-
Following are the Quality Improvement Cell members at Symbiosis School for Liberal Arts (SSLA) Term of the committee will be for the period of Two years i.e., 2021-23:
The Symbiosis School for Liberals Arts (SSLA) is an organization which prides itself on the strength of its academic curriculum. The teaching pedagogy and academic freedom given to faculty at our institute is reflected in the manner in which courses are created and conducted. To ensure that faculty are personally invested in the programme and enjoy the teaching experience, they are given autonomy over the designing structuring and execution of the courses they teach.
As a member of this committee you would be expected to perform the following duties:
Note: Institute with both UG and PG program should have one male and one female representative from UG and PG both.
Following are the Staff Welfare Committee at Symbiosis School for Liberal Arts (SSLA). Term of the committee will be for the period of one year i.e., 2024-2025
Following staff from SSLA is the member of Institute Disciplinary Committee at Symbiosis School for Liberal Arts (SSLA) for 2024-2025
Pursuant to Circular D.O.No.18-26/2015-UIA dated 8th July 2015 issued by UGC and Circular no. SIU/U-168/ 2020/279 issued by SIU; Symbiosis School for Liberal Arts has nominated and appointed the following persons as the “Gender Champions”. Term of the committee will be for the period of one year i.e., 2024-2025: