We live in a world that seems to be forever changing...a new world with dynamic challenges that requires young enthusiastic adults capable of playing positive and fruitful roles in organizations and communities.
The Symbiosis School for Liberal Arts strongly believes in the importance of a comprehensive education in preparation for career advancement and for the exercise of leadership. We believe organizations and society have an urgent need for creative individuals who will readily learn on the job, after having been exposed to a broad and comprehensive education.
Based on the experiences with liberal arts in the last 11 years, we know that a sound liberal arts education provides a much needed cultural orientation to the world in which we live and equips students with ideas, analytical and communication skills, and global perspectives along with the ability to synthesize knowledge and make informed value judgments.
(From the Director’s Desk)
The liberal arts programme at Symbiosis School for Liberal Arts is a holistic programme designed as a combination of multi, inter and transdisciplinary learning focused on transferability of skills, employability and a spirit of enquiry. The focus is on critical thinking, research, analysis and writing along with civic mindedness. The programme aspires to augment and develop individuals who are critically conscious and able to find a healthy balance between professional and personal growth.
Our Liberal Arts programme is styled very closely on international models while also fulfilling the demands of a higher education programme in India. Students engage with a wide range of courses with the freedom to pick and choose Minor and Major areas of specialization from areas previously considered to be ‘academically incompatible’. A student can combine subjects like Business studies as a Major with a Philosophy Minor or Mathematics & Statistics as a Major with an Anthropology Minor. This gives students a chance to enter hybrid workspaces where expertise from two disciplines offer and edge over others. Unique combinations like Biology and Economics opens up avenues in fields like Health Economics, Policy Making, Pharmacare etc.
SSLA offers students the opportunity to study a four-year full-time Bachelor of Arts (Liberal Arts) Honours Degree and Bachelor of Science (Liberal Arts) Honours Degree program covered over eight semesters. It is mandatory to complete a minimum of 198 credits to graduate with a B.A / B.Sc (Liberal Arts) Honours degree.
Specialization courses (which are in the form of Majors and Minors) are chosen in the 2nd semester and are taught from the 3rd semester onwards. The Majors and Minors offered at SSLA are:
Major Specialization: Mathematics & Statistics, Computer Studies, English, Economics, Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy, Anthropology, Media Studies, Business Studies, International Relations and Political Science & Public Policy.
Minor Specialization: Biology, Women and Gender Studies, History, Film Studies, Peace and Conflict Studies, Physics, Performing Arts and Law.
Following the Liberal Arts tradition, Symbiosis School for Liberal Arts believes that intellectual freedom and growth is the result of a balance of theory, practice and experiential knowledge; open-minded scrutiny and logical arguments. It offers a learning environment that allows personal growth of the students through research and analytical thinking to develop competencies and values required for employability, leadership and social justice in a dynamic global community
The programme requires a student to complete: 20 Cores (compulsory courses including Community Outreach Project and a Seminar Paper) + 6 Electives + 1 Minor* specialization (6 papers) + 1 Major specialization subject (12 papers, including an Internship and a Research Project + Additional Minor (6 papers) / Additional Electives (6 courses) / Double Major (10 papers) without the Minor*.
Certain forms of knowledge are essential for every student, therefore, there are 20 Core compulsory courses spread across eight semesters and ensure a holistic and practical knowledge applicable across professions. Some of these skill-oriented courses include Creative Writing, Computer Fundamentals, Quantitative Reasoning with Mathematics, Staistics & Finance, Legal Awareness among others
The need for an in-depth subject specialization is pursued through the Major (ten papers, a two month long Internship and a Dissertation/ Research Project) and Minor specializations (6 papers) offers the student twin knowledge foundations that may often be applied in complementing roles suited to the professional needs. Specialization courses (which are in the form of Majors and Minors) shall be chosen in the 2nd semester and will be taught from the 3rd semester onwards.
The Majors and Minors offered at SSLA are:
A minimum of 6 Elective courses across disciplines irrespective of their areas of specialization offers the curious mind a constant food for thought often beyond the professional requirement to cater to their individual inquisitive nature. The basket of Elective
courses spread across genetics, mathematics, environment, philosophy, literature, performing arts, theater, religion, art, etc is taught with an inter, multi and transdisciplinary perspectives to bring together a 360 degree understanding.
Liberal Arts is not just a curriculum, but an ideology promoting academic and personal growth, sensitivity towards current and burning issues through:
o Community Outreach Project integrated within the curricula with a 2 month long community service, a report written and presentation on the basis of the field work intends to foster critically conscious citizens of the world.
o Internship in the area of Major specialization is an integral part of the programme with
an Internship Project Report along with a viva and presentation.
o Dissertation or the Research Project and the Seminar Paper : SSLA encourages a culture of research through the Dissertation or the Research Project and the Seminar Paper. Core courses on Research Methods, research proposal and field experience help students perfect their research skills over a period of four years. The seminar course is a mandatory requirement at the end of which the students submit a publishable paper.
o Other Academic Requirement : Inter University credit courses / Integrated Disaster Management Program / Audit Courses / Global Immersion Program are some other courses that students may engage with as per SSLA / SIU rules.
The B.A / B.Sc. (Liberal Arts) Honours degree can be complete by acquiring a Minimum Number of Credits Required (198 Credits) with
198 Credits; with 63 credits to Cores, 12 credits to FCP including Service Learning /COP, 24 credits to Generic Elective, 35 credit to Major Specialization Core, 16 credits to Major Specialization Electives, 24 credits to Minor specialization Cores, 24 credits to Additional chosen Minor Specialization Core and 1 mandatory Audit.
198 Credits; with 63 credits to Cores, 12 credits to FCP including Service Learning /COP, 24 credits to Generic Elective, 35 credit to Major Specialization Core, 16 credits to Major Specialization Electives, 24 credits to Minor specialization Cores, 24 credits to Additional Electives and 1 mandatory Audit.
198 Credits; with 63 credits to Cores, 12 credits to FCP including Service Learning /COP, 24 credits to Generic Elective, 35 credit to Major Specialization Core, 16 credits to Major Specialization Electives, 24 credits to Additional Major Specialization Core, 16 credits to
Additional Major Specialization Electives, 8 credits for Additional Electives and 1 mandatory Audit. No Minor Specialization.
Tentative Programme Structure across the eight semesters (4 Years):
Read More
To encourage students to learn beyond the curriculum, SSLA is introducing the concept of an “Audit Course”. This will not only aid in the interest process of an individual but also will also wide variety of knowledge or subjects.
Eligibility Criteria:
The fees for the extra course is:
1150/- per course
In order to apply for an audit course, a procedure similar to that of the selection of electives, is followed. The admin department shall email students with the list of courses available as audit courses, each semester. Students are alloted the courses on the basis of their preference and the eligibility criteria mentioned above. If a student is eligible for an audit course, the student will be required to make the payment at the accounts department and provide a receipt of the same to the admin department.
To encourage students to learn beyond the curriculum, SSLA is introducing the concept of an “Extra Course”. This will not only aid in the interest process of an individual but also will expose them to a wide variety of knowledge or subjects.
4600/- per course
In order to apply for an extra course, a procedure similar to that of the selection of electives, is followed. The admin department shall email students with the list of courses available as extra courses, each semester. Students are alloted the courses on the basis of their preference and the eligibility criteria mentioned above. If a student is eligible for an extra course, the student will be required to make the payment at the accounts department and provide a receipt of the same to the admin department.
In addition to a standard major-minor combination, SSLA now offers students the following additional options in their areas of specialization:
Note :
The list of options mentioned above is an exhaustive list of options, open to students at SSLA. Any combination/option that isn’t listed above is not permissible, as per the programme structure.
SSLA now offers students the ability to opt for a Double Minor. the ability to select one major to specialise in along with two minors. This option provides students with the ability to acquire a greater amount of knowledge and qualifications while at the same time allows them to study two minors to compliment their major area of specialisation.
Eligibility Criteria
The fees for double minor is: Rs. 26,450 /-
Students are required to select their majors and minors towards the end of the second semester. In order to apply for a double minor, a procedure similar to that of the selection of electives, is followed. The admin department shall email students with the list of majors and minors available. Students are required to select the major-minor option i.e Standard Major-Minor, Double Major, Double Minor, they wish to opt for along with their choice of major and minor areas of specialisation. Students are alloted the same on the basis of their preference and the eligibility criteria mentioned above. If a student is eligible for a double minor, the student will be required to make the payment at the accounts department and provide a receipt of the same to the admin department.
For the second minor, the fee will not be refunded after the 4th semester, if a student decides to drop it.
SSLA now offers students the ability to opt for a Double Major. the ability to select two majors to specialise in but no minors. This option provides students with the ability to acquire a greater amount of knowledge and qualifications while at the same time allows them to not be tied down to only a single area of specialisation.
The fees for double minor is: Rs. 40,250 /-
Students are required to select their majors and minors towards the end of the second semester. In order to apply for a double major, a procedure similar to that of the selection of electives, is followed. The admin department shall email students with the list of majors and minors available. Students are required to select the major-minor option i.e Standard Major-Minor, Double Major, Double Minor, they wish to opt for along with their choice of major and minor areas of specialisation. Students are alloted the same on the basis of their preference and the eligibility criteria mentioned above. If a student is eligible for a double major, the student will be required to make the payment at the accounts department and provide a receipt of the same to the admin department.
For the second major, the fee will not be refunded after the 4th semester, if a student decides to drop it.
SSLA aims at offering a multi-disciplinary and holistic educational program that assessesAnd evaluates students on the ability to think critically and develop innovative solutions to problems rather than just focusing on facts and figures.
Note: Curiosity is an academic software..
The institute offers the following components for faculty to use as tools for student assessments/evaluations:
Students are informed by each faculty about the assessment formats and criteria during the first week of classes of every semester.
Note : Curiosity is an academic software that the faculty use to upload internal and external marks, attendance and reading material that can be accessed by both students and parents.
Criteria for Continuous Assessments (CA): Continuous assessments (CA) are of a minimum of 60 marks and a maximum of 8O marks with a minimum of 3 components as a part of the course requirements for the semester. The faculty administer, on average, one assessment every month of the semester as part of this continuous assessment process. The criteria for these assessments are provided in the course syllabus that the faculty make available to students during the first week of classes.
Criteria for Semester-End Evaluation (SEE): At the end of the semester, evaluations are conducted with at least two different components, to test the students on their knowledge and skills gained from taking the course.
Suggested Division of Marks:
Calculation of Grade Points:
The grade points corresponding to nine grades will be as follows: (Batch 2015-19, 2016-20 and Batch 2017-21)
At SSLA, students receive credits based on the number of "contact hours" they spend studying per semester in class. 1 credit is equivalent to 15 contact hours and 30 non-contacthours of work.
To graduate from SSLA, the minimum credit requirement is 198. Every semester a required number of credits are allotted as per the contact hours for each of the courses. The creditdistribution per semester is as below:
The Floating Credit Program at SSLA is to ensure that all students are exposed to various critical aspects of knowledge that help inculcate morals, values, ethics, civic sense and also enrich the personality of each student. These can be earned by attending different seminars, representing college in sports, community outreach programme and many other extra-curricular opportunities that SSLA provides.
Batch-Wise distribution of FCP credits across semesters:
SSLA Batch 2017-2021
SSLA Batch 2016-2020
SSLA Batch 2015-2019
SSLA Batch 2014-18
Semester 2
Semester 3
Semester 5
Semester 7
Total Credits
Community Outreach Project (COP) (compulsory 6 credits and 200 hours) to be completed by Semester 4 followed by the submission of the COP Report, Presentation and Viva in Semester 5.
The other 6 credits (to complete the requirement of 12 credits) may include the following options which students may choose from. Details of their choices and proof for the same are to be submitted to the FCP in Charge.The grading scheme for the same is given below:
Please note: The number of credits accumulated will depend on the complexity of work or the number of hours of participation over the semesters. The number of hours will be calculated on the number of hours of the programme/activity/ workshop/conference attended or participated in. If 40% of the total number of hours offered are not completed by the student, he or she will not be graded and will receive a backlog in FCP.
Grading of FCP will only be applicable if the student has completed the required number of activities or hours to receive the credits for FCP. The grading range includes
Credits and Grades will depend on the event, number of hours of student participation, report/outcome submitted by the student after the event, etc. The Director's decision will be final.
Grades will be awarded depending upon performance.
An illustrative example is provided here:
Activity: Conference:
All students who attend will receive 1credit
Depending upon the involvement, the grades of the students will vary.
Batch 2014-18
Batch 2015-19 onwards
Attendance only
Write a blog/Participate in a panel/Share conference learnings in class
D+, C
Non-academic article based on conference and printed in a newspaper/ magazine.
B+, C+
A-, B
Paper presentation at the conference
Publication of a Paper
The details of FCP activities participated in will be recorded on Curiosity after receiving an email from the student. Please email and submit written proof (with your name and PRN no. on it) to Mr. Nikhil Ranpise by the first Friday of the subsequent month. No late submissions will be accepted for previous participations. For example, a conference attended in January must be recorded no later than the first Friday of February.
The grades will be allotted for every event based on the proof submitted.
In addition to the academic course work, students participate in a community outreach project. This outreach project aims at initiating student contributions towards social justice. COP aims to nurture students into sensitive, ethical, and critically conscious citizens who will contribute responsibly to communities and society.
The Community Outreach Project is a mandatory component of the curriculum at SSLA. It carries 6 credits, and is designed to be a 2 month full-time project, to be completed over the first summer break. The minimum total number of hours required for the COP is 200 hours, on completion of which, the student is required to get a validation letter from the organisation. This letter will be a part of the student’s report, which is due at the beginning of Semester 5.
· The student is required to write a 10,000 word report and prepare a 20 minute presentation, as well as respond to a 10 minute viva before a panel of two examiners. The student will have to set up dates with the panel of examiners allotted to him/her.
It is mandatory that the student registers himself/herself with the Community Outreach Cell, before the commencement of the project. The COP batch representative will send out an online form for the same.
Students will also be sent the following information via email:
Refer to the Student Handbook for further details about deadlines and submissions.
Gayatri Mendanha and Ananya Dutta
Kaavya Ranjith (Batch 2020)
Student Batch Representatives
Disha Pathak
K Jahnavi
Neha Dadke
Events and Projects Team:
Jui Patil Dhwani Shrotriya Vedika Dawar
COP Report Details Batch 2014 -18
The internship is a compulsory component of the curriculum at SSLA. It seeks to introduce the students to the realities of the industries, and to help them understand their own strengths.
If a student does not pass the Internship module, it will be considered a backlog. He/she may have to repeat the internship process or the presentation and viva, depending on the evaluation. The report submission, presentation and viva will be conducted in the consequent semesters.
The Hindu Business Line
Smartron India Pvt Ltd
Marketing(Consumer and market research)
Bureau Central Marocain des Societes d’Assurances (BCMA)
Netherlands Business Support Office
Market research
Interface Communications (F.C.B. ULKA)
Creative Copywriting
Curozo Edutech
Growth Tracking and Market Research
The Richmond Fellowship Society
Solar Village Project
Global Education Solutions
Content and Curriculum development
The Indian Express
Features/ Editorial
Tata Memorial Hospital
Psycho – Oncology
Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies
Fortis Memorial Research Institute
Mental Health and Behavioural Sciences
Interics Designs Pvt Ltd
LOL Ventures Pvt Ltd
Droom Technology
International Cell
Nimble Systems Pvt Ltd
Entrepreneurship and management intern
Indiabulls Foundation
CSR project and HR processes
Ogilvy and Mather Pvt Ltd
Account Management
National Centre for Advocacy Studies
Malhar Limelight
Book writing
Indian Express
Liberty India DHC Pvt Ltd
NKP Salve Institute of Medical Sciences
Fortis Healthcare
Advocate Mrunalini Deshmukh
Family Law
Mac Advertising
Automobile Industry (car4sene.com)
Goodricke Group Ltd
Anandi Foods (Happy Belly)
Aker Power Gas Subsea
Frost and Sullivan
Economic Research
Digital Marketing and Content Writing
Carpe Diem
PR, Branding, Corporate Communication, Events
Eye Catcher Entertainment Pvt Ltd
Homegrown Media LLP
Editiorial and Content Writing
Earth 5 R
Socio – environmental
Richmond Fellowship Society
Samuchit Enviro Tech
Sustainable lifestyle products, services, research studies
ZEBRA Crossing Paradigm Pvt Ltd
Advertising Agency
Nomad Films
Ad film Production House
Creative and advertising
Gyaan Adab
Creative, program development
The research dissertation is a comprehensive research project-based submission which is undertaken and completed by every student at SSLA. Students are expected to identify a theme for intensive study and request faculty with experience in the relevant area to be their committee members. Students are to undertake the project with due guidance over a period of three years, starting from Semester 3.
How do we make a committee for the dissertation?
Check the faculty specializations page and shortlist a few faculty. Approach them with your potential topic and ask them informally if they agree to be on your dissertation committee. The topic will be shaped by the student and the faculty together. When both you and the faculty agree on working together, keep a written record of this confirmation.
Are we required to submit the names of our committee members, for the dissertation, to the Research Cell?
Yes, there will be a form circulated for the same. Students are requested to keep proof of confirmations from their committee members in written format.
How can we change our dissertation committee?
Students wishing to change the First Chair subsequently need to fulfil the following conditions:
What are the exact deadlines for the submission of the drafts for our dissertations?
The deadlines differ from batch to batch.
Examples of Dissertations
Exploring the legitimacy of sweatshop labour through feminist economics
Analysing factors that affect consumer attitudes towards online retail
Anisa Javanmardi
Strong Women: Gender in young adult science fiction and fantasy
Archana Warrier
Cultural Détente: John Le Carré, From the Cold War to the thaw
Chandreyi Mukherjee
The impact of new media on the feminist movement in India
Pavit Bakshi
Velo-City: An econometric model of the Pune bicycle market
Mihir Oak
Hard copies of all dissertations are available in the SSLA Library
Grading Scheme (out of, not absolute)
Grading Scheme for Proof of Publication
How can I choose my Seminar theme?
Themes and faculty names will be circulated during the summer break before the 7th Semester. Students will have time to read, and communicate with faculty before the deadline for signing up.
Can I change my Seminar after signing up?
No, once you have chosen you cannot change the seminar paper. It is expected you have communicated with the faculty before signing up.
Does the Seminar need to be from my Major-Minor?
No, the seminar has no impact nor is it shaped by your Major-Minor disciplines.
The Seminar Topics are a variety of topics associated with the various subjects taught at SSLA.
The following is a list of topics that have been offered over the past few years
Can Machines be Moral Agents
Aishwarya Shah
Reading Austerlitz
Francesca Cotta
Representations of Cultural Trauma in Indian Fiction
Tanushree Baijal
Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights in India
Suman Manvi
Our Vision – SSLA library is a true Learning Resource Center, which will provide latest literature and other learning aids and information on all topics, as required by Students and Teachers of the Institute..
The library has an extensive collection of books covering all Subject like Social Science, information technology, Mathematics, G.K, Fictions, biography, Auto biography, Music, Art, Dictionary, Encyclopedia, etc. The Periodical section is also vital source for academic research & Current information. Also some newspapers, DVD & CD’s are available in library.
The SSLA Pune library has a large reading hall and study spaces equipped with computers. There is also study / discussion tables which can be used for group work sessions. The library houses a Digital library inside the library premises where students and faculty members can browse varied databases such as CMIE, Project Muse, ProQuest, and Manupatra and centrally subscribed other online resources.
The library is fully automated using KOHA software. KOHA is a true enterprise-class Integrated Library System with comprehensive functionality including basic and advanced options. It supports full text searching with enhanced catalogue display.
SSLA Pune Library is well equipped with a rich collection of books, journals, magazines and Audio Visual resources. In addition to the institutionally subscribed resources, the library users have also access to the resources of the Central library.
Print resources
Name of the collection
Number of the collection
Audio Visual Resources\CD\DVDs
Bound Volume
Non-print resources
Library hours
Book Issue/ Return timing
Monday To Saturday
8:30 am to 7:30 pm
The SSLA library membership is available for the following persons:
General Library Rules:
Borrowing Facility
Time Period
14 Days
Faculty Member
For Semester
Visiting Faculty
One Month
The library has following sections and resources:
Reading room:- The library has a spacious reading room with Wi-Fi facility. The reading room can accommodate about 60 Students and is kept open 8.00a.m to 7.30p.m.
News room:- This section helps students and the community to remain updated on daily happenings. Below is a list of newspapers, magazines and journals subscribed by the SSLA library.
Sakal Times
Times Of India
The Hindu
The Economics Times
Magazines and Journals
Jadavpur Journal of International Relation
Journal Of Advance Research in Humanities And Social Sciences
Asia Pacific Media Educator
Journal of Asian security & International Affairs
Asian Journal Of Legal Education
Journal of Creative Communication
Asian Review of Social Sciences
Journal Of Earth System Science
Bioscope South Asian Screen Studies
Journal Of Genetics
Bloomberg Businessweek
Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics
Business India
Journal of Psychology & Developing Societies
Business Today
Literary Imagination
Competition Success
London Magazine
Criminal Law Journal
National Geography
Down To Earth
Economic & Political Weekly
Pramana-Journal Of Physics
Reader Digest
Global Journal Of Educational Administration
Resonance-Journal Of Science Education
Global Journal of Emerging Market Economics
Science News Magazine
Harvard Business Review
Science,Technology Societies
Higher Education for the Future
India Today
Social Change
Indian Economics and Social History Review
Society And Culture In South Asia
Indian Historical Review
South Asia Reserch
Indian Journal of Gender Studies
Studies in History
Indian Literature
Studies in Indian Politics
Indian Quarterly
The Carvan
International Journal Of Marketing And Management Research
The Economist
International Research Journal Of Human Resources and Social Sciences
The Week
IUP Journal Of International Relations
Discussion Tables:-The discussion tables are a place where users can discuss and work together.
Reference section:- The reference section houses the library's reference books. These books provide quick and accessible information on any particular topic. Reference books include materials such as dictionaries, encyclopedias, bibliographies, and style guides, among others.
Library Portal: https://siulibrary.remotexs.in/user/login
Library members can get the access of all e-resources on library portal. To access these e-resources you should have the login credentials for it. Every year newly admitted student’s registration is done according to their course duration by the librarian.
Once the registration is completed members get the access of all e-resources purchased by the SIU Central library. Also, all institutionally subscribed databases, e-books and e-journals can be accessed through this library portal.
Following e-resources can be accessed through the Library Portal:
Name of the Resources
Sage 20 subscribed Journal
IP base access in collage primases only. Link-www.sagepub.com
single user base access
Economic and political Weekly
Five user base access
College physics; A strategic approach
User base access
National Digital Library
Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) under its National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology (NMEICT) has initiated the National Digital Library of India (NDL India) pilot project to develop a framework of virtual repository of learning resources with a single-window search facility. NDL India is designed to hold content of any language and provides interface support for leading Indian languages. It is being arranged to provide support for all academic levels including researchers and life-long learners, all disciplines, all popular form of access devices and differently-abled learners. It is being developed to help students to prepare for entrance and competitive examination, to enable people to learn and prepare from best practices from all over the world and to facilitate researchers to perform inter-linked exploration from multiple sources.
SWAYAM is a programme initiated by Government of India and designed to achieve the three cardinal principles of Education Policy viz., access, equity and quality. The objective of this effort is to take the best teaching learning resources to all, including the most disadvantaged. SWAYAM seeks to bridge the digital divide for students who have hitherto remained untouched by the digital revolution and have not been able to join the mainstream of the knowledge economy.
The Shodhganga@INFLIBNET is set-up using an open source digital repository software called DSpace developed by MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) in partnership between Hewlett- Packard (HP). The DSpace uses internationally recognized protocols and interoperability standards. Shodhganga provides a platform for research scholars to deposit their Ph.D. theses and make it available to the entire scholarly community in open access. The repository has the ability to capture, index, store, disseminate and preserve ETDs (Electronic Theses and Dissertations) submitted by the researchers.
DELNET - Developing Library Network, New Delhi is a major resource-sharing library Network in India connecting more than 8800 institutions in 28 States and 6 Union Territories in India and a few other countries comprising Universities, Colleges, R&D organizations, medical hospitals, etc.
Feedback Form
To suggest or recommend a reading material (book/ Journal/ Magazine/ CD etc.) to purchase in the Library, you may submit your purchase request through ‘Koha Web OPAC’ (hyperlink with http://symbiosis-koha.informindia.co.in/) or you can send your purchase suggestions on librarian@ssla.edu.in
Mrs. Smita Kadam
Library In-Charge
B.A. M.A. M.Lib. I.Sc. M.Phil.
Mr. Mahesh Patil
Library Assistant
B.A.M.Lib. I.Sc.
Mr.Sanjay Londhe
Library Attendant
Symbiosis School for Liberal Arts S.No. 231/3A,Symbiosis Road, Viman Nagar, PUNE: 411 014 Maharashtra, India
You can carry own books to the library without any bag.
Following are the details of books to each category of member
Sr. No
Category of Member
No of Books
Dy. Director
15 Days
7 Days
Reading Hall
Monday to Saturday
8.30 am to 7.30 pm
9.00 am to 7.00 pm
Over dues, as laid down hereunder, shall be charged from the students if they fail to return the book(s) on or before the deadline as indicated on the Due-Date-Slip in the book:
Fine will be charged including all Sundays and Holidays.
Rs.5.00 per book per day shall be charged
In case of loss of a book(s), the member will either have to replace the same or pay the current value of the book.
Students can give their recommendations through the Web OPAC. Login with your PRN fill the form and submit it. Or email at librarian@ssla.edu.in
As it is mentioned on the web site under the E-Resources. You can access these databases through the login credentials of SIU Central library Gateway Portal which is been issued to all the registered students of SSLA. Those who don’t know the credentials can contact to the librarian. Only Symbiosis students and faculty can access these databases through their own login credentials.
Research is considered to be an essential part of academics in the process of understanding a subject thoroughly. It acts as a means of giving life to individual thoughts and beliefs. Therefore, SSLA encourages all students and faculty to undertake research work. For students, these assume the form of two major submissions in their fourth year, the dissertation and the final year seminar paper. Research-oriented writing skills are also essential to the completion of their Internship and Community Outreach Project reports.
All students undertake an independent research project, and submit a dissertation as an essential part for the fulfillment of their undergraduate degree program. This project reflects a student’s Major and Minor subject of study.
Student research is thus interdisciplinary in nature, and spans across the major and minor subjects offered at the school, ranging from philosophy to business studies, and from economics to biology.
The rationale behind the final year seminar, is to inspire and equip students to deliberate on themes of their interest in an academic fashion, and to write a paper that satisfies standard academic conventions (substantive and formal).
In order to encourage self-confidence, the final year seminar papers written by students are sent out for publication.
Many of the noted journals including the International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research, Journal of Integrated Social Sciences, International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, International e-Journal of Advances in Education, and Anthropology and Reinvention: An International Journal of Undergraduate Research, have accepted some of the papers written by students of SSLA, and given them a platform to showcase their research-related writing skills.
In 2015-16, six of our students presented their papers at national and international conferences.
Malavika presented at a conference on her paper titled "Addressing social change through online media". The conference was organized by the Institute of Advanced English Studies, affiliated to Pune University. The paper is due for publication soon. Read more
Alpana Nadagouda represented SSLA at the International Conference of Language, Literature and Culture. It was organised by the Institute of Advanced Studies English, affiliated by Savitribai Phule Pune University. Read more
Her paper, 'The Impact of Mobile Media on Consumer Behaviour and Mobile Marketing Strategies' was accepted and thus, she was invited to present it. Alpana has received a certificate for the same. Additionally, her paper will be published.
The student has to visit the SI(DU) website- www.siu.edu.in
For backlog examinations the latest version of the syllabus will be used for paper setting. Hence for a particular examination season the same paper shall be used for both regular and backlog students. Student needs to give undertaking in this regard.
A separate backlog paper will be set only in case of the title/ credits changes
The student will procure the latest syllabus for the Institute/Department and prepare for the backlog examination accordingly.
With prior permission of the Institute/ Department, the student may attend classes to cover new topic with a convenient batch or any arrangement as provided therein.
In case of annual pattern a backlog examination shall be conducted in each of the semester of a year or annually as per rules.